Are Mechanical Keyboards Spill Resistant?

If you have a tendency to make mistakes, you might wonder if your keyboard is genuinely waterproof in case you accidentally splash any water on it (among other liquids).

Most keyboards are not waterproof unless the manufacturer specifically states otherwise. But if the right precautions are followed after a tiny accident, keyboards can occasionally survive.

Compared to other types of keyboards, mechanical keyboards often have better water resistance.

We'll go over how to determine whether your keyboard is waterproof and what to do in the event of a little accident.

Mechanical Keyboards

Most keyboards lack waterproofing

Everyone has had that panicky moment when their keyboard became wet with coffee or water and they were unsure of whether the situation could be saved.

Generally keyboards are not waterproof. If the word "waterproof" or "water resistant" isn't stamped all over the box, you probably need to be cautious when typing near liquids.

You can easily fry your electronics by spilling liquid on your keyboard.

Most keyboards have a thin membrane covering that covers the PCB for protection (printed circuit board). If not adequately dried up, any water that seeps through could result in long-term harm.

Your keyboard can survive the incident unharmed if you can dry it out and remove the liquid without causing further damage.

You ought to be alright if you had a minor spill and quickly cleaned it up. Anything bigger would take more drying and care.

What water resistance and waterproofing mean for your keyboard

Even though a keyboard may occasionally claim to be water-resistant, that doesn't necessarily mean it is. It is rather typical to mix up these two terms.

When wet, waterproof keyboards work just fine. It won't cause any issues if you fully submerge it in the bathtub. Still, the keyboard would function.

Although they are shielded from surface spills, water-resistant keyboards still have a chance of breaking when submerged in enough water. Keyboards that are water-resistant shouldn't be submerged completely.

Your keyboard is definitely neither waterproof nor water-resistant if you are unsure. The majority of the time, a keyboard's waterproofness is a major selling factor.

You can always visit the manufacturer's website to learn more if you're still hesitant.

After a water spill, mechanical keyboards are less prone to shatter

In the case of a water spill, your keyboard is considerably more likely to break if it has a membrane or rubber dome.

When submerged in water, mechanical keyboards are prone to breaking less frequently. The extra-sturdy design is definitely beneficial.

A new keyboard can be worthwhile if you spill a lot of it.

The mechanical switches behind each key are less prone to malfunction if they get wet, and the metal plate shields the PCB better than a typical keyboard's membrane layer.

It might be time to throw out your worn-out, corroded Dell keyboard.

How to handle a water spill on a keyboard

Don't freak out if you accidentally spilled water over your keyboard and found this article. We'll walk you through each step-in detail.

You possess this. Here is a detailed explanation of how to remove water from your keyboard. But in order to save you time, we've provided the sparkling notes below.

1. Unplug your keyboard 

Turn off your keyboard first. Switch off everything. Electricity and water do not mix.

One of the best ways to destroy anything is to use a damp keyboard that has electricity going through it.

Take out your backup mechanical keyboard (if you have one), as you will need to go without your primary keyboard for a few days so that you can clean it thoroughly.

2. Take the keys out

The keycaps should contain the majority of the water, so go ahead and rapidly wipe it off. The best cloth to use is a microfiber one because it won't scratch the caps or leave behind any lint.

The caps should be taken off once they have dried. On how to remove caps, we offer an extensive guide.

You'll need a fingerboard puller, though you might make one yourself if you're up for it. You might also try using your fingers, which is less optimal but still workable.

3. Drain any extra water

You should have simple access to any water that has accumulated under the faucets once every faucet has been shut off.

It's time to remove all that extra water to speed up the drying process and prevent water from penetrating the keyboard.

The keyboard should be cleaned with a microfiber cloth, as recommended. A paper towel will leave behind tiny paper particles that adhere to the keyboard and can jam switches, so we prefer a microfiber towel.

Until there are no more drops or puddles on the keyboard's surface, wipe the surface.

Grab a couple cotton swabs and target any minor places that you can't reach thoroughly with a towel.

Your friend is thoroughness.

4. Turn the keyboard.

Once everything has been put away, flip your keyboard over and set it somewhere bright. Everything that submerged should now surface (if there is anything).

Let it sit for a time rather than dipping it in the rice. Don't grow impatient and repress the impulse to plug in the keyboard because patience is a virtue.

5. Wait 48 hours

Okay, give it two full days. You are capable of doing it. Just get to work by grabbing your spare keyboard.

After the two days have passed, you can proceed to the last phase!

6. Plug in and test 

It's finally time to test the keyboard's functionality by plugging it in. The time has come after two days.

Give the mechanical keyboard a gentle shake and look for any water before plugging it back in. If so, I let it sit without being plugged in for a further 24 hours.

If not, connect the keyboard and check that everything functions. Checking to check if all the keys are still functional is something we advise doing. With the help of a tool called "key-test," you can easily test each key on your keyboard.

If all of your keys function properly, all you have to do is reattach the caps, and you're ready to go. Congratulation!


The majority of keyboards are not waterproof, although a few minor spills here and there are not catastrophic. After a crash, your installation can typically be restored.

Keep your cool, move quickly, and refrain from getting impatient while the clothes are drying. Everything ought to be alright.

Believe me when I say that most keyboards, especially mechanical keyboards, are more resilient to serial spilling than you may assume.
