Princess Rani Vanouska leads campaign for football to candidate at UNESCO

 Rani Vanouska T. Modely, original full name  Princess Rani Vanouska Rajamoutou Modely Prithviraja Tomara Chauhan de Ranthambhore Narayan Singh Devi, is philanthropist, entrepreneur and a public figure engaged in the social, human rights and education sector.

She has been know to the public when she joined the Elite model agency and started to use a short artistic form of her name “ Vanessa Modely” (in french). She was spotted by famous photographer Patrick Demarchelier at the age of 14 during her holidays with her parents in Saint Barthélémy.

While she was still modeling, the President of the National Commission of France for UNESCO wrote to Rani Vanouska Modely proposing a collaboration. She started to be active in philantropy as first a Goodwill ambassador, then a Special Adviser to the National French Commission of United Nation for education, science and Culture and Vice President of UNESCO Circle, under the Ministry of foreign affairs of France.

“I was honored to be involved with the National Comission, in search of freedom, I am sensitive to the issues defended in this institution, particulary when it comes to the transmission of values and world heritage” said Rani Vanouska Modely

She became very much aware of the problems of this internation organisation UNESCO, where she wanted to act in the field, and “much closer to people”

While you she was invite at the Champion’s League ceremony, she discovered the power of football during her first football match.

On her way back to Paris, she had this incredible idea to registered football a world intangible cultural heritage of Humanity at UNESCO. She officially initiates her global project with different member states who supported her.

To her, Football is a reflection of our human society, and it is a universal culture that creates bridge for people all around the world without any distinction of race, age, sexe, religion and language.

“Football has a double impact, that of raising the awareness of a maximum number of individuals, and advancing our society by giving hope to all children in all nations of the world. Soccer, because of its global nature, must remain a model of exemplarity and shared values. It allows us to take a new look at our fundamental challenges, breaking down all barriers in the world, to open the doors of tolerance, sharing and respect, and must show the path of Peace to be followed for our children. I think that football is much more than a sport, it is a universal symbol of optimism that has the natural power to draw smiles on the faces of the youngest, to accompany them in learning about life.” said Rani Vanouska

Her goal is to use the power of football for a better world and promotion of human rights.

She is now the founder of the Football World Heritage Organization, and the official ambassador delegate to lead the candidacy of Football as a world intangible heritage to be registered on UNESCO’s list.

In December 2019, Vanouska has made the pages of FORBES magazine with Arsene Wenger and unveiled the WORLD LEADER IN THE TOP 100 FOOTBALL, who are the most influential personalities in world football.

Today, she carries the torch of these universal values. Its mission is to work, deploy and engage in educational, scientific, cultural and human actions to highlight the recognition of football as “world heritage” with the duty to promote, restore, promote education, to safeguard and to preserve it. To leave to all peoples and future generations for the FIFA World cup.

It is through the strong values of respect, solidarity, humanity and fair play conveyed by football that Princess Rani Vanouska Modely, will launch this worldwide project in partnership with the football authorities, with the support of personalities like Arsène Wenger (FIFA) or Antoine Griezmann, who has been at her side since the beginning.

Today, she has the support of the FIFA, the FFF, the UEFA, the African Union (54 countries), the International Organization for Francophonie (84 countries), the Mayor of Paris and and many of economic, political and cultural personalities.

Dedicated to the ennoblement of the world’s most popular sport, she wants to highlight its universal values of sharing and fraternity. Beyond words, it is through actions that she wishes to inspire more solidarity in the world.

“Together with our modern-day heroes like Messi, Beckham, Kylian Mbappé, Antoine Griezmann, Arsène Wenger, Cristiano Ronaldo, FIFA, the African Union and all football lovers from all nations of the world, we want to make this appeal a symbol of humanism so that thoughts and actions become one to bring smiles on all children’s faces — “Stronger Together” said Princess Rani Vanouska Modely
