Some Of The Best Ways To Take Care Of Oily Hair

 Most people are facing the problem of oily hair. They use many tips to get rid of this problem. Some use chemical products that are very harmful to hair. Some are wanting to know healthy tips to get a solution to the oily hair problem. In this article, we provide you the best ways to take care of oily hair. 

Some Of The Best Ways To Take Care Of Oily Hair

Here are some tips:

Use dry shampoo:

Dry shampoo means a powdered shampoo and basically, a lot of ayurvedic shampoos are like this. Dry shampoos do not have the opportunity to give many chemicals to the liquid. All you have to do is rub it on your head with water. Moreover, many dry shampoos can be used by spreading it on the hair and leaving it for a while. Dry shampoo removes excess oil and dirt from the hair.

Don't forget to give oil:

Many people think that there is no need to put oil on the oily head. This is a very wrong idea. If you don't use coconut oil or amla oil, how will your hair get these qualities? So use the oil two days a week. Heat the oil lightly and apply it gently on the scalp day and night. Cover the hair with a clean towel so that it does not get dirty. But there is no substitute for oil nutrition.

Apple cider to wash hair:

Apple cider vinegar cleans oily hair very well and it is one of the best healthy natural hair products. Use this instead of other shampoos. Since apple cider vinegar is acidic, it reduces the oiliness of the hair. Oily stops recurrence maintains a pH level.


  • Amount of apple cider vinegar,

  • 3 tablespoons lemon juice.


Mix the two ingredients well and apply on wet hair. Massage with light hands. Leave it for 10 minutes and wash it off. Do this every day. Lemon enhances the quality of apple cider.

Do not allow sweat to accumulate:

The hair gets the most sweat after coming home from the gym in the morning or after using the bike helmet. As soon as this sweat accumulates, the hair becomes bad. In the rainy season, we stay wet all day again. Our scalp is affected by the fungus. From that reaction, the hair becomes sticky and oily. So come home from the gym or bike and take a bath. Clean the head. The oily feeling will decrease a lot.

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Use of green tea:

Experiments have shown that green tea helps control sebum very well and also the best healthy natural hair product material. Sebum means that the oil comes out of the oil gland. Green tea controls this oil so that more is not produced and more is not excreted. So when you buy shampoo, you can see if it has green tea. Or you can eat green tea once a day.

Use of cornstarch:

You can use powdered shampoo. Many may have wondered what to do if you don't get powdered shampoo. Cornstarch is at hand.


Take a container with a perforated container like salt. Put cornstarch in it. Shake well before using and leave it on for 15 minutes. Then the hair will be clean as soon as you comb it. However, do it if you do not have time to shampoo.

Use of wooden comb:

In all cases of hair, if you have oily hair, you have to follow this rule more. Plastic comb teeth are not good. It cannot press the scalp evenly. This can cause more oil to leak from the scalp. Instead, wooden comb wood means made of natural materials. Its teeth are very strong and made in such a way that it can press evenly on the whole hair and scalp. This is why experts say to use this comb. Plastic also contains silicone. So it is better not to use a low-cost plastic comb.

Look at the food:

If you have an oily scalp or hair, it is very important to pay attention to your daily diet. Eating oily, grilled but makes the sebaceous glands more active. Then excess oil is released. Excess carbohydrates and processed foods also increase oil. So do not eat more rice, bread. Avoid processed foods for many days. Ghee, butter, cheese can also increase the oil very much. 
